How to rest your subconscious?

Switching off isn't easy.

If you do a lot of high impact work, your subconscious is always doing some work.

But you got to give a break to the subconscious too.

When your subconscious is tried, here are the warning signs

  • Your ideas are repetitive for problems you have
  • You think same thoughts over and over
  • You don't feel calm and empty.
  • You feel like you are a task monkey

To fight this, I have a Daily wind down ritual.

Wind down is me treating my subconscious mind right.

First part of the wind down,

  • I clear out my todo list - This helps the mind feels empty and not rushing to the next task.
  • I write down all things going in my mind in a note. This helps me not repeatively think about the same thing.
  • I jot down the wins for the day. Gives a sense of calmness that you are moving forward.
  • I define what is the one thing I am focused for next day. This removes me out of feeling like a task rabbit.
  • I compliment myself on how I handled the day. As a founder, the hardest thing to get is a compliment.

Second part of the wind down, I forget about everything and go to the pool.

I dip myself in the water.

I do nothing.